Monday, December 21, 2009

The Fungus Among Us (Scratch Built Miniature)

Hello all,

This is a custom miniature I made from scratch using Fixit Sculpt. He is an Anthropomorphic Mushroom Man called Shiitake :)

He was originally intended to be a practice figure, but I'm happy enough with how he came out that I've decided to make a whole 'Warband' of Mushroom Men for a Wargame I'm designing.

The figure itself is finished, but the base is not. Eventually the base will resemble a mushroom mound.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Testing... 1 2 3 (First Post)

Hello all,

I've started this Blog to keep track of the projects I work on in my free time. Hopefully, it will be of some benefit to others.